1. Have you always participated in regular exercise, if not what made you start?

We have both always actively been involved in some form of sport or exercise, but as we have grown older we realised we need to adjust the way we exercised.

2. How long have you been coming?

Deb, I have been coming for 15 months and Wayne for about 12 months.

3. What benefits have you noticed since joining Elossa?

We have noticed better balance, flexibility and general strength.

Deb – I have been able to walk on the beach which is something I have not been able to do for ages and I am no longer needing regular knee injections.

Wayne – I have noticed an improvement in my surfing and mountain biking and I also have reduced knee pain.

4. Did you have any reservations/concerns before starting?

We both have differing knee issues and were concerned that exercising would aggravate the problem or cause pain.  Wayne also has shoulder issues with the same concerns. 

But what we found was that our knee pain actually disappeared- we do not have any more knee pain.

Having exercise physiologists supervise the circuits and providing advice and support, gives us confidence that the exercises we are doing will not aggravate our injuries.

5. What makes you stay? 

We stay because we have noticed that the regular exercising at Elossa noticeably lessens the impact of our chronic knee issues and also improves our balance so that we can keep enjoying our active lifestyle.

We also stay because it is a great environment of encouragement and support and a good opportunity to meet others with similar intentions to look after themselves to the best of their ability

6. Any other comments you would like to make? 

We have been really impressed with the professionalism and kindness of all the staff at Elossa. They make a visit to the gym a very enjoyable experience.